Jade Matarazzo

Brazilian photographer and visual artist Jade Matarazzo has traveled the world since she left her homeland to photograph life stories of people, places and cultures. Her connection with art began to take shape at the Escola Pan-Americana de Arte in Sao Paulo, followed by photography courses in Switzerland, where she studied fine arts, eventually graduating at the Fort Lauderdale Arts Institute in the United States. Specializing in the Tibetan philosophy "Miksang", Jade developed her own trademark by playing with the focal points of her lenses, creating a single color palette at unexpected depths. Jade's passion lies in the concept of close-up enigmatic images that reflect a well balanced blend of reality and illusion. Through her experience with photojournalism, Jade brings up controversial and socially relevant themes, expressed in factual images that are thought provoking but remain loyal to her technique. Jade enjoys the intertwining of the "Miksang" method and the documentary her approach, highlighting delicate and often abandoned issues that need a voice. In recent years, as an artist, Jade perceived the need for greater cultural exchange. In 2010 she began to promote encounters between sculptors, painters, musicians, photographers and street artists, creating conceptual projects and exhibitions for new art platforms, continuing the family legacy left behind by her relationship with mentor Ciccillo Matarazzo and his love for all forms of art and cultural entrepreneurship. In 2016, Jade joined the Sotheby's Art Institute to continue her studies on various aspects of the art market, including Art as a Global Business, Curatorship and Art History. With several publications, Jade has received numerous awards and has held more than fifteen solo exhibitions in the United States, Europe and Asia, including the Morikami Museum.

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Member since Mar 14, 2023