How do I find my funds on Polygon?

Polygon is a blockchain that provides scalable, secure and instant transactions with Ethereum currencies like ETH, USDC and DAI. Currencies must first be "bridged" from Ethereum's mainnet to Polygon. Think of Polygon as a sibling to Ethereum, the currencies are similar, but the two blockchains have slight differences.

This guide explains how to navigate the Polygon blockchain, including:

• How to see your funds on Polygon.

• How to use Polygonscan to see your transaction history on Polygon.

• How to add Polygon ETH on MetaMask.

How to see your funds on Polygon

There are two ways to view your funds on Polygon.

Currently, OpenSea only supports Polygon ETH on Polygon. You can view your Polygon ETH balance by heading to the wallet icon, located on the top-right of the OpenSea website. Polygon ETH has a purple logo.


If you've recently completed a Polygon transaction on OpenSea, but the balance on OpenSea hasn't updated (sometimes there is a delay across blockchains updating), all you need to do is check your account on to view the correct balance.


You can also head to your OpenSea account page. Open the dropdown menu by your account name and press the "Refresh funds" tool. This will update your balance according to the blockchain transaction history.


Navigating Polygonscan

Using Polygonscan is just like using Etherscan! You can use Polygonscan to view transactions and addresses on the Polygon (PoS) mainnet.


Simply to go and use the same wallet address you use on Ethereum. For example, if you use MetaMask, simply copy the address at the top of the MetaMask extension and copy it in the search field on Polygonscan.

You'll then be taken to the address view where you can see balances for various tokens on Polygon (PoS).

To see your Polygon ETH balance, simply click on the "Token" field. To see your transaction history, click on the "ERC-20 Token Txns" tab.

Adding Polygon ETH to MetaMask

Adding Polygon ETH to MetaMask is simple. Before adding it, make sure you have the Polygon mainnet installed on your wallet.

Please note, the "purple" Polygon ETH you see on OpenSea, is actually WETH (Wrapped Ether) on the blockchain level of Polygon.

You can find the address for it here:

Now that we know the contract address

(0x7ceb23fd6bc0add59e62ac25578270cff1b9f619), you can add it to MetaMask.

To do so, head to to the MetaMask extension and make sure you are on Polygon's network, or "Matic Mainnet". Then click "Add Token" at the bottom of the extension.

Copy the contract address from above into "Token Contract Address" and click next, then confirm again on the next window.

You should now see your Polygon ETH balance on MetaMask!

Where can I find NFT sales?

We understand that blockchains and crypto wallets can seem complicated to new users! That's why we've written this guide to help you find your NFT sales.

Navigating Etherscan

Etherscan is a useful tool for exploring the Ethereum blockchain. You can search your wallet address to see your token balance or enter a transaction hash to verify transaction history. It's an easy way to verify a transaction's completion.

If you are using the MetaMask wallet, select the three dots at the top right of the extension, and select "View on Etherscan" to go view your token balance and transaction history on Etherscan.

Transactions such as NFT sales, referrals, and royalty payments are viewable under the "Internal Txns" tab on an Etherscan account page.

Please keep in mind the transaction records will have OpenSea's 2.5% fee and project royalties (if any) automatically deducted. Crypto wallets like MetaMask will not display internal transactions.

Alternatively, if you sold an NFT through an auction, you may need to add WETH as a token in your MetaMask or crypto wallet to view it there.

How do I find my transaction hash?

OpenSea staff often requires a "transaction hash" from Etherscan or Polygonscan to troubleshoot support issues.

Transaction hashes are unique IDs recording each transaction on the blockchain, this includes NFT purchases, sales or even cancelling orders. All gas fees paid will generate a transaction hash.

How do I find my transaction hash on Etherscan?

First you'll need your wallet address. You can find this inside your crypto wallet, or underneath your account name on OpenSea.

Once you have your OpenSea wallet address, go to and copy it into the search bar.

This will take you to the address dashboard page. You'll be able to see transaction hashes under the "Txn Hash" column on the bottom left side of the page.

Simply click into any transaction and copy the transaction hash to your clipboard. Please include transaction hashes in text (rather than in screenshots) when communicating with OpenSea support.

Thanks in advance!

What is a floor price?

One of the most requested features from our community, in July we added Floor Prices to the collection page to benefit NFT power users.

Floor price is the lowest price for collection items, rather than the average item price, and is updated in real-time. Dutch auctions are not included in floor price calculations.

How do I transfer ETH from Ethereum to Polygon?

Polygon is a blockchain that provides scalable, secure and instant transactions with Ethereum currencies like ETH, USDC, DAI. In order to spend your Ethereum currencies on Polygon, you must first "bridge" them across to the Polygon blockchain.

This guide explains how to transfer currencies from the Ethereum network to the Polygon (PoS) network.

How do I use Polygon on OpenSea?

In order to use the Polygon ETH on OpenSea, you will need to "bridge" or transfer your Ethereum (ETH) onto Polygon (PoS).

You can do this by heading to the wallet icon, located on the top-right of the OpenSea website. You should already have some ETH in your account. Click here to learn about how you can purchase ETH.

Once you have ETH in your wallet, click on the three circles on the right. You should see a button, "Bridge to Polygon".

After clicking it, a pop-up window will appear and you can enter how much ETH you would like to bridge onto Polygon.

You'll be prompted to sign a transaction on your crypto wallet. If you use MetaMask, it will look like this.

Once you've signed the transaction and it's completed, you should a confirmation.

The bridging process from Ethereum to Polygon takes approximately 7 minutes. Once it's successful, you'll see a purple ETH icon representing your bridged ETH on Polygon (PoS).

For extra confirmation, you can visit "Token Transfers" for your address on Polygonscan, which is similar to Etherscan.

Now that you've transferred ETH onto Polygon (PoS), click here to learn how to buy your first NFT on Polygon.

What are OpenSea's fees?

OpenSea's fees

OpenSea's model is simple - we take 2.5% of every transaction that happens on OpenSea. That's it. Users and partners can create NFTs for free at any time.

You can set a royalty of up to 10%. This means you can earn revenue every time your NFT sells on OpenSea. To learn how to set your royalty, click here.

Splitting Revenue

If you are creating a collection on behalf of someone or as part of a group, please note that OpenSea doesn't support contract level splits at this time.

You'll need to handle splitting revenue between parties on your side once received. You may consider using third-party services like that assist with sending multiple payments in one transaction.

Can you help me with promotions?

OpenSea is happy to help our partners promote content in a variety of ways.

We can offer promotion on our social channels and robust Discord community. We can also offer homepage promotion, however, this does largely depend on your content and our schedule. Ultimately, homepage promotion is left up to the discretion of our Marketing Team.

If you're interested in homepage promotion and already have your collection on OpenSea created, you can reach out to us here.

What makes a great NFT offering?

OpenSea's recommendations for creating a great NFT offering

Great NFTs can come in a variety of forms but there are a few clear commonalities across our best drops.


First and foremost, the artwork must be interesting. Think of ways you can add detail and thoughtfulness to your artwork. The more unique, the more collectors will likely be interested.

Additionally, other value can be created from showcasing your artist - NFT fans love to help emerging artists and love to contribute to their success.

Unlockable Content

Unlockable content is key. We recommend including digital experiences that can persist between ownership.

Thinking about your secondary market is important. Other ideas can include physical items (tickets, signed memorabilia, etc) but this usually cannot carry to other future owners.

General Tips & Tricks

• Start with a small number of items and price fairly.

• If you’re running auctions, start them at 0 ETH and set a reserve price if necessary.

• Add all your social media links, a detailed description, and a banner.

• Market your project on socials and try to generate some early engagement.

• NFTs with collectibility games (set completion, traits, etc) do better than others.

• NFTs should create utility for owners.

• NFTs should be media that creates a sense of “patronage” over their work/legacy for the buyer.

How can I partner with OpenSea?

A guide on partnering with OpenSea

OpenSea is primarily a self-serve marketplace. We partner with all kinds of creators, but like them to take the lead in creating their art and uploading it on OpenSea.

That said, due to our current high demand, we do currently ask you have the following ready to go before we can consider a partnership:

Your artwork and assets are ready to go. Our conversations will be most productive when we can review your works together.

Concrete ideas for what your NFTs will unlock for the buyer. These can be digital experiences, physical experiences or items, etc.

Commitments to promote the drop in well-trafficked marketing channels of your own.

Once you're ready, feel free to fill out our partnerships form here.

After you provide us that, we still reserve the right to go another direction but feel free to self-serve with the following guides:

Our beginner's guide on how the NFT creation process works

How to sell your NFTs, including info on the different auction types

The “NFT Bible”, an in-depth explanation of NFTs and an overview of the landscape

Note: Due to our volume, we cannot guarantee a reply to all partnership requests. We appreciate your understanding at this time.
What file formats can I use to make NFTs? Is there a maximum size?

You can use a variety of file formats for images, videos, audio or even 3D models to make your NFT (see below).

The maximum file size supported is 100MB, but we recommend keeping it under 40MB for faster load times.

How can I stay safe and protect my NFTs?

This guide highlights key tips for staying safe in the NFT and Web3 space.

10 Tips for Staying Safe in the NFT space

Get support via official channels

Customer support is never as fast as we want it to be (we’re working on it), but soliciting help on social channels or Discord, where OpenSea does not provide official customer support, can make you a target for scammers. We recommend only getting help via official channels, and if you do end up asking questions of the broader community, always be cautious.

You can find answers to frequently asked questions and direct support on the OpenSea help center. We’ve also posted other guides on our Blog.

Never share your secret recovery phrase

It may sound obvious to all the crypto veterans out there, but you can never hear it enough. Your wallet’s secret recovery phrase is private to you and should never be shared, even with those you trust. OpenSea is not a wallet provider and will never ask for your wallet’s secret recovery phrase.

For details on the best way to keep your funds and tokens safe, head to your wallet provider’s website and browse the guides and tutorials.

Make sure your wallet app or extension is the official one

If you’re downloading a wallet browser extension, make sure to get your link directly from the provider’s website. When downloading an app, check the reviews and developer info to confirm you’re getting the right one, and not an imposter. If you’re unsure, there’s no harm in reaching out to the provider to clarify.

Never click on unknown or broken links

Stay vigilant when browsing websites and interacting with others on social media or Discord. Avoid clicking on ads, images, or links sent by strangers.

Never reuse passwords and use a password manager

We’ve all done it, but reusing the same password across multiple accounts makes you more vulnerable to account compromises. A password generator or manager like 1Password or LastPass can make life easier if you’re worried about getting lost in a web of special characters.

Use Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Enable two-factor authentication with apps like Google Authenticator and Authy, and avoid SMS 2FA where possible since it can be vulnerable to attacks. You may also want to consider upgrading to a hardware-based 2FA device for extra security. Google Titan, Thesis, and Yubico are some of the options available.

Use a crypto hardware wallet

Using a hardware wallet adds another layer of security for your funds and NFTs. Many users tend to go with Ledger or Trezor.

For extra security, consider using an “air-gapped” computer with your hardware device. An air-gapped computer is one that has never been connected to the internet before.

However, like other hardware items, you need to make sure to keep your wallet secure and not lose it!

Limit smart contract approvals

If you are using MetaMask, make sure to frequently review your spending limit when approving transactions. To do so, click “Edit on Permission” and customize the spend limit for each currency.

For more context and info on how to do it, check out this Twitter thread.

Avoid cold emails and downloading files from strangers

It’s best to not interact with emails, files, and QR codes sent by strangers. Attachments of all formats, including PDFs, have been known to contain harmful viruses or malware.

If it seems too good to be true, it probably is

Sadly, there are bad actors looking to take advantage of those new to the world of NFTs. If someone offers you something that looks too good to be true, it probably is.

Before you purchase an NFT from a seller on OpenSea, make sure you take a second to do your research on the seller, the collection, the NFT, and the NFT’s history prior to pulling the trigger. Transactions on the blockchain are irreversible so doing your due diligence is critical — and it can also be fun to dive into the story behind each NFT!

How can I report fraudulent content on OpenSea?

OpenSea is primarily a self-serve, peer-to-peer marketplace. That means anyone can create and sell an NFT on OpenSea!

Our user safety team actively monitors the platform and removes fraudulent content as soon as it is discovered or reported by users. This includes content that may infringe on the rights of others, or otherwise violates OpenSea's Terms of Service.

If you would like to report fraudulent content, please click here.